Breath of fresh sea

I could use a bit of spring – and some inspiration for my dissertation πŸ—ΊοΈ Or to run away from home, either way.

A World Alive

‘Awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.’ – CS Lewis, The Magicians Nephew

When the Waves Rise up to Meet You

The crashing waves are soothing in their constsency – rising up and falling back over and over πŸ₯°

When the Waves Rise up to Meet You

The crashing waves are soothing in their constsency – rising up and falling back over and over πŸ₯°

Korean & European Folk Songs!

Very excited about my sheet music. I took lessons for 13+ years and always adored playing #piano 🎹 I had an old oak piano from a church for years, but had to let her go when I moved to China. I honestly cried. Keyboards with plastic keys just never play right to me. . . . Now I’m gonna get back to it while waiting in US 😊 These are simpler than expected (more easy than intermediate) but it’ll be good to get my fingers under me! Korean and European folk music!

Candied Fruit Stall

Candied fruits are a popular street food in #Asia 🍑There’s even an emoji on my Chinese phone for it πŸ˜‚ Want a taste? This was on the streets on Myeongdong, Seoul.

Jeju Beaches

Perfection 🐠🐚🌴

Surf’s Up

Summer is here! Hoping the virus calms soon so everyone can get their chance at the waves πŸ’•πŸŒ΄

Horses on the Beach

A day at the beach 🐠🌴 I’ve never been in a place that felt more like home πŸ’•πŸš


#Chinatown in Incheon 2020